Albany Kid started out as a family travel blog in 2007 when I was a stay-at-home mom eager to enrich my children’s lives. I was also a Girl Scout leader and Cub Scout co-leader, so I was also trying to find interesting things to do for our field trips in the Capital Region.
My son and daughter are grown up now, and I’ve been busy developing my travel photography and writing about romantic getaways on
But then, just when I thought about closing the door on Albany Kid, I received an invitation to write a new book on 100 Things To Do In Albany Before You Die. Suddenly, I have a great reason to revisit all the old haunts and to find out what’s new in the Capital Region.
Now, I’m blogging about things to do in Albany NY on a new site,, but I’m keeping all the fun things to do with kids right here.

About Sandra Foyt
Sandra Foyt is a storyteller, road trip junkie, and award-winning photographer. A veteran of many cross-country road trips, she drove Route 66, the Lincoln Highway, the fossil freeway, the Extraterrestrial Highway, and even “the loneliest road in America.”
Originally from the US Virgin Islands, but based in Albany, New York for over twenty years, Sandra covers the Caribbean and other romantic getaway destinations on
Find her stock photography on Alamy or Shutterstock, and prints on Fine Art America. Sandra is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW,) the North American Travel Journalists Associations (NATJA,) and the Professional Photographers of America (PPA.)
Disclaimer: Albany Kid will occasionally receive free admission or compensation for travel expenses in exchange for writing or recording a site review. Any relationship will be disclosed in a manner that meets or exceeds FTC requirements. All posts on this site will be written honestly, and at no time will compensation be accepted in exchange for a dishonest review.
Questions? Shoot me an email at